“ABOLITION OF NUCLEAR POWER An Appeal from the Catholic Church in Japan” English version Released


On March 11, 2011, Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station suffered a serious accident including […]

On March 11, 2011, Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station suffered a serious accident including meltdown.

The bishops of Japan concluded that nuclear power generation should be immediately abolished in the face the insoluble dangers it presents, including widespread health damage to children. They published a book in Japanese, 今こそ原発の廃止を─日本のカトリック教会の問いかけ (https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/publish/genpatsu/) .The bishops’ Japanese-language book has now been issued in an English version on the Internet for the whole world.

The bishops hope that from various perspectives around the world, the elimination of nuclear power generation proposed in this document will be discussed as an important issue for the sustainability of the earth.


ABOLITION OF NUCLEAR POWER An Appeal from the Catholic Church in Japan
Editorial Committee on Nuclear Power, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan