The 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops As the first session begins


The 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops As the first session begins September 28, 2023 The […]

The 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
As the first session begins

September 28, 2023

The General Assembly in Rome, the third stage of the Synod gathering scheduled from 2021 to 2024, will open with the theme For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.

Unlike previous gatherings of the Synod, this meeting does not have a set agenda for individual areas and issues that aims to reach a conclusion through discussion. Participants will meet in small groups and prayerfully share the themes of communion, mission, and participation to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit at work in the Church and discern the Spirit’s guidance.

I believe that this synod guided by the Holy Spirit is being held to find the appropriate form of the Church in which to faithfully respond to the Spirit’s guidance amid the realities of modern society. We are on the path that Vatican II envisioned to present a clear image of the Church in the modern world.

At the same time, I think we hope to make sharing in prayer and discerning the guidance of the Holy Spirit the normal way to be Church.

I wish you could all join us in this Synod gathering. Of course, it is physically impossible to bring all the voices of the Church to the Synod, but as we are reminded in the call to prayer for the Synod, we can walk the Synod’s path together in prayer during the month. And so, please pray.

Also, please read the discussion outline that has been published in Japanese. In particular, the latter part describes topics to be discussed among individuals. This discussion outline is not only for those attending meetings in Rome but is also a guide to continued sharing throughout the Church. I hope that not just the few people who will participate in the Rome gathering, but also the Church community as a spiritually united whole will join the path of discernment and walk the path of the Synod together.

Please pray during the first session of the Synod. And through the discussion outline please join us on the Synod’s journey.

I will attend on behalf of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan. In an historic first, Pope Francis has appointed Ms. Momoko Nishimura, one of the Asian representatives, to join the Synod secretariat and Ms. Chiroe Hirota will participate as an expert. Please pray for us representatives from Japan.

And so, we are off to Rome.

Isao Kikuchi, President
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan